Prof. Dr. Claudia Baldauf

Prof. Dr. Claudia Baldauf

Claudia Baldauf is Programme Director of the MBA & Engineering in Life Science Management Programme as well as Head of Examination Board, Head of Selection Committee and Head of Eligibility/Admissions Regulations within the HTW Berlin Engineering Sciences Faculty.

Since 1999 Prof. Dr. Claudia Baldauf holds Professorship in Engineering at the HTW Berlin specialising within the fields of chemistry, instrumental analytics, bioanalysis, enviromental chemistry and enviromental analytics. Her lectures are enriched through her extensive academic and professional expertise.

Prior to joining HTW Berlin, Prof. Dr. Claudia Baldauf held crucial professional roles at the Wessling Group, an engineering and laboratory consultancy on high-level laboratory analysis. As head of development laboratory and later head of quality management for the entire Wessling Group, she led the accreditation of testing laboratories according to DIN EN 45001 at 5 locations. She excelled the company by developing and leading the technical consulting department in environmental management systems, quality management systems, hygiene concepts HACCP and hazardous substances registers.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Baldauf has finished her diploma in chemistry in 1991 and has received her Ph. D with Prof. Karl Camman on the topic of LC/MS at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster in 1994.

Besides publishing several research papers, one being “The coupling of liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometer for the investigation of large molecules, she has written a book on “The development of an integrated management system that combines quality, environmental and occupational safety management systems within a company.”